科技生词 :keji shengci - Technology New Words

Monday, March 12, 2012

优酷 yōukù / 土豆 tǔdòu

Yōukù is buying rival Tǔdòu Wǎng in a $1B all-stock deal. These are the two largest video hosting sites in China.

优酷 (yōukù) literally "excellent extremely/cool". 优 (yōu) also connotes superior, generous, priority. 酷 (kù) can mean cruel (strong/alcohol radical) or extreme(ly), but also "cool" (perhaps by phonetic loan from English).

土豆网 (tǔdòu wǎng) literally "earth bean net" that is, "potato net". 土豆 is potato, 土 is a pictorial of the earth, grounded. 豆 by itself is bean, part of the familiar 豆腐 dòufu (Tofu). They claim it's a play on the English "Couch Potato".

Business Week: Youku to buy...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

播客 : bǒ kè - podcast

Podcast, not to be confused with 博客 (bókè), "blog".
Third tone, not second on 播.

播 (bǒ) to sow (seeds) as in 播出,播放,播音 (bǒchǔ, bǒfàng bǒyǐn ) "broadcast" and 播送 (bǒsòng) "transmit". Of course "broadcast" is used for sowing seeds in English too.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

绿坝 : lǜ bà - Green Dam

绿坝 (lǜ bà) literally "Green Dam". Rather controversial Internet filtering software.

Here's a T-Shirt being sold at a Green Dam protest in Beijing. It reads "Green Dam 滚蛋" (gǔndàn) literally "boiled egg" but meaning "Green Dam get out" or "Green Dam go to hell".

Thursday, October 09, 2008

宁 : níng - tranquil

Ning is of course "an online service to create your own social network". With, of course, a recent $60M round giving it a half-billion dollar valuation based on an advertising business model.

宁 (níng) means "tranquil", as well as being an abbreviation for 宁夏 (Níngxià, "tranquil summer" or "tranquil Xia Dynasty") Province, and for the city of 南京 (Nánjīng, "southern capital").

"Ning" could also be 柠 (níng, "lemon") or 拧 (níng, "wring dry" or nǐng, "twist or screw"). I suppose that's not the meaning they had in mind.

宁 also appears in 宁波波导 Ningbo Bird (níngbōbōdǎo) "tranquil waves, leading the wave",) the cellphone company, which takes it's name from the city of Níngbō.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

神舟 : shénzhōu - spirit boat

神舟七号 (shénzhōu VII) was launched today, China's first space walk mission. China is only the third country to attempt a space walk.

It seems to get abbreviated to just 神七.

神舟 (shénzhōu "spirit boat" or maybe "craft of the gods" is a type of Chinese spacecraft similar to the Russian Soyuz (Союз, "union").

The pronunciation is identical to 神州 ("God's Country"?), a nickname for China.

Friday, August 08, 2008

黑客 : hēikè : hacker

With the Black Hat conference this week, it seemed like a good time for 黑客 (hēikè), "hacker".

This is one of those clever Chinese translations that both sound phonetically like the English and have a related meaning. Literally it means "black guest", 客 () is usually some kind of person (although see 博客, blog). 黑 (hēi, "black") as in Western cultures can also mean illicit, evil (黑道,the underworld; 黑市, black market), like Black Hat of course.

I do need to make the obligatory point that the term "hacker" did not originally imply illegal activity (or not very illegal). When I was at MIT it just meant someone that was very interested in something, or did a lot of it. There were physics hackers, model train hackers, and yes phone and lock hackers. But it did seem to catch on more as "computer hacker". Originally this was a term of respect. A hack was a clever solution, and of course possibly a prank.

Speaking of colors of hats, back when China first started economic reforms in the '80s and '90s, there began to be state-owned companies making private profits for insiders. These were called "red hat" (红帽子) companies, capitalistic enterprises still wearing the red hat of a communist institution. So it's interesting that Red Hat Linux straddles a similar contradiction, a for-profit commercial distribution of an open-source product. I don't know if Marc Ewing intentionally borrowed the Chinese term. Now in China 红帽子 is more likely to refer to Red Hat Linux or Red Hat, Inc.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

搜索引擎 : sōusuǒ yǐnqíng - Search engine

搜索引擎 (sōusuǒ yǐnqíng), "search engine".

"search for" + "engine" ("cause lift")